Practical Spirituality
for a Modern Life



As we commence this new year, it helps to realise that everything that has happened to us in the past - Joy, sorrow, pleasure, and pain, are all part of our spiritual growth in this mystery school of life. Wherever we find ourselves at the moment is where we are meant to be. What we are experiencing right now is exactly what we need for our soul's journey.

In an earlier part of my life, I read about a mysterious secret abbey in the Andes, and hidden ashrams in the Himalayas. Maybe this is where I could gain spiritual awakening. My life at that time was the out picturing of earlier dreams, a lesson in itself as proof of the power of my thoughts, only then I didn't realise the significance of this.

At that time, I never made it to those 'outer" ashrams and abby, but instead was led to a book that included the statement "The only way out is in." I eventually realised this was referring to the mystery school within myself. It is here, through meditation and contemplation, I perceived the awareness that I AM GOD IN ACTION. What a responsibility! I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT I AM RIGHT NOW.

We can read many books and meditate alone, but it is dealing with our fellow travelers in the ups and downs, the blessings and challenges of life that we gain experience in the working out and demonstrating the truth principles we have discovered. Unconditional love in particular.

I feel we can call where we are at the moment a mystery school, not only inside us in our own body temple, but also in the hustle and bustle of the marketplace of life, interacting work-wise and socially with people of differing beliefs and cultures. Here we become "Practical Mystics."

This time next year, we can reflect on our lives and see how we have used the creative power God has invited in us.

Rev. William Livingston.



Quotes from Fillmore Women


From the writings of Myrtle Fillmore:
The light of God revealed to us-the thought came to me first-that life was of God, that we were inseparably one with the Source, and that we inherited from the divine and perfect Father. What that revelation did to me at first was not apparent to the senses. But it held my mind above negation, and I began to claim my birthright and to act as though I believed myself the child of God, filled with His life. I gained. Others saw that there was something new in me. They asked me to share it. I did.

Others were healed, and began to study. My husband continued his business, and at first took little interest in what I was doing. But after a time he became absorbed in the study of Truth too. We consecrated ourselves to the Lord, and kept doing daily that which we felt led to do. We began to prosper, a little at a time, and our health continued to improve."

"We have a very decided part; we are to cease worrying, and being anxious, and thinking and speaking of the past and of the apparent lack and idleness. We are to concentrate all our attention upon the Truth of God, and the truth of our own being, upon the very things we would see taking place in our lives. We cannot do this so long as we have negative thoughts in our hearts."

"Prayer is an exercise to change our thought habits and our living habits, that we may set up a new and better activity in accord with the divine law, rather than with the suggestions we have received from various sources."

"When we let light flood us with its sunshine, all clouds vanish and we begin to see ourselves in new ways of doing, which lead to wholeness and health and satisfaction and growth."

Unity's Most Basic Principles - Myrtle Fillmore:
"I do not believe in evil. I believe in Good. I do not believe in sin. I believe in Truth. I do not believe in want. I believe in Abundance. I do not believe in death. I believe in Life. I do not believe in ignorance. I believe in Intelligence. There are no discords in my being. Being is peace. My faith, understanding and love are becoming one. 'What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put as under.'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

From the Writings of Rosemary Fillmore Rhea (Granddaughter of Myrtle)

(When asked in an interview: What word do you love the sound of?)
"Peace. The word brings to mind thoughts of tranquility, a feeling of being in unity and harmony with the energy of life…. The word peace always reminds me that no matter what I experience, I have a choice of how I react. I can strike out with anger and fear or I can choose peace. When I choose peace, I not only help myself, but I help make our world a little more peaceful."

Great Granddaughter Connie Fillmore Bazzy (from Keys to the Kingdom):

"So what is Unity? Unity is a family of loved ones drawn together by their mutual belief in an idea. The idea that holds us is that of a good and all-powerful God whose love indwells us and gives us everything we need to lead healthy, happy, productive lives. This idea and the people who believe it have created incredible blessings of positive thought and prayer in our word."
Connie's Five Fundamentals of Truth: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

1. God is absolute good, everywhere present.
2. Human beings have a spark of divinity within them, the Christ Spirit within. Their very essence is of God, and therefore they are also inherently good.
3. Human beings create their experiences by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest realm has its beginnings in thought.
4. Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with God-Mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good.
5. Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called Truth, are not enough. A person must also live the truth that he or he knows.



Rev Radth Youngman

What a wonderful vision Judith Durham presents in her lyrics for Advance Australia Fair!:
Australians let us stand as one, upon this sacred land
A new day dawns, we're moving on to trust and understand.
To trust is to have faith, to have hope.

As Sir John Templeton, in his essay on understanding in New Thought for the New Millennium: Twelve Powers
for the 21st Century

Understanding brings to the heartful, open, perceiving power of faith a capacity to be broadminded, inlculsive and generous.

In her book, Your God-Given Potential, Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann, writes:

The awakening of our own faculty of understanding starts with questioning-questioning the
ways of thinking that you may have been taken for granted. The desire for understanding leads to
thinking about what is learned and seeking to put it all together in a body of information that will
provide a basis for living.

Judith's lyrics continue from to trust and understand…

Combine our ancient history and cultures everywhere,
To bond together for all time, advance Australia fair.





To live without magic, for me, would be tragic
Such a lack would sadden my day
Give me premonitions and strange apparitions
The miraculous, the quirky, the fey.

I like the magical, the mystical, the not egotistical
The enchantment of forces in cosmic array
The intuitive insight that turns out to be right
Then helps me upon my way.

To me the epitome of serendipity
Is the coincidence that arrives today
Full of magic and mystery, it changes my history
And it can't be explained away.

Give me studies theosophical, or stories apocryphal
Let me hear what they have to say
Such a phantasmagoria fills me with euphoria
And keeps dull old logic at bay.

Keep your sense and your reason, the latest theory in season
Don't theorise my magic away
Save your thoughts noetic, let me see justice poetic
Balance the scales by a curious play.

Come, tear the veil asunder, feel the magic, the wonder
And let me see the world as I may
Sense the fairies all glimmering, the Angel's wings shimmering
Through the prosaic events of the day.

Rev. Sylvia being inspired by Gabriel blowing his horn at one of our Jazz concerts in 2017 ====>


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4 - 6 Renown St, Burwood
VIC, 3125 Australia

03 9889 8503

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